Perth Brain Centre - Currambine

Address 4/94 Delamere Ave, Currambine WA, Australia
Phone +61 8 6500 3277
Website www.perthbraincentre.com.au
Categories Mental Health Clinic
Rating 5 57 reviews
Nearest branches
Perth Brain Centre - Attadale — The Attadale Business Centre, B2/550 Canning Hwy, Perth WA
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Perth Brain Centre - Currambine reviews

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26 November 2020 0:02

AMAZING RESULTS! Our son was diagnosed with ADHD 3 years ago and was finding both schoolwork and navigating friendships almost impossible. We had tried 3 different medications suggested by his paediatrician, none of which really worked and generally left him feeling either numb or unable to sleep. The new school psychologist recommended us to Perth Brain Centre and the results have been life-changing. Our son can now focus in class, enjoys school, completes his homework and has now a good group of friends - and has been invited for his first ever sleepover! His teachers and our friends can't believe the difference. Thank you PBC)

23 November 2020 5:30

FANTASTIC RESULTS - HIGHLY RECOMMEND. After just 6 weeks of treatment (neurofeedback) our daughter's anxiety has completely stopped (after more than 3 years and $thousands of psychology). Caring, professional, science-backed, personalised therapy delivered by a team of people that clearly care. Thank you.

21 November 2020 12:07

My husband suffered a head injury almost 5 years ago and was never the same since - he developed constant headaches, became irritable and moody and had difficulties with attention to name but a few of the problems. The strain that this caused at home and at work had been enormous. 3 appointments with neurologists and 2 brain scans couldn't find any problems and countless visits to physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists did nothing. Life was pretty depressing. A friend recommended that we attend one of Perth Brain Centre on-line Information Sessions and it all seemed to make sense, and we thought we really had nothing to lose. We met with Daniel after the scan and he showed us very clearly that there were 2 areas in my husband's brain that weren't working normally - one area was over-active and the other under-active. It made sense. Now, after having completed 10 sessions of Neurofeedback and a few weeks of Biofeedback he tells me that he feels almost 50% better already. He has already stopped taking all the painkillers for his headaches and is noticeably brighter and happier. Wonderful results from a caring and professional team.

30 September 2020 4:16

Daniel and Karen have created something very special at PBC. It's clear that the sole purpose of every team member from Interns, Reception, Clinicians and to Daniel and Karen at the helm is to do everything possible to help get people back on track. To say these guys work hard is a massive understatement and the results are impressive. I was recommended to PBC by my GP for long-term problems with anxiety and migraine headaches. 7 weeks of fairly intensive brain-training (neurofeedback) and biofeedback have certainly paid off - I have NEVER felt this good. A calm, clear and pain-free head - something that I thought was beyond my reach after all these years. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

08 September 2020 14:28

I had been hesitating about seeing these guys for almost 2 years, especially after my GP told me it was "all rubbish and lies". What a complete tosser and how wrong that guy was! I had suffered with regular, but unpredictable, migraines for years before coming to PBC. The cost to me in terms of days off work and lost earnings was huge, not to mention all the money I had wasted over more than 10 years seeing doctors, neurologists, physios etc etc. Not surprisingly after all that time I had also developed depression and anxiety (that my doctor kept trying to push more drugs onto me). Enough was finally enough one day, and I think after watching something about this stuff on TV I called and booked myself in. THESE GUYS (to be honest pretty much all of them are girls!) are AMAZING! We did a scan, Daniel clearly explained the results saying that "it was a pretty common brain pattern seen with migraine" and got started with brain-training and biofeedback as soon as I could. The difference even after just a few weeks was incredible, and when I met with Daniel after 5 or 6 weeks into treatment was happy to report about a 40% improvement in my headaches and mood already. Now after finishing 2 rounds of training (20 sessions) and can say that I feel about 80%+ better. I have not taken a single day off work since starting (normally I would miss at least 4 ot 5 days per month) and my social life is WAY better too! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I went back to tell my GP how much better I was and that he was totally wrong - But was told he had retired. I am not surprised.

01 August 2020 13:30

Our 14 year old daughter had been seeing psychologist for 3 years to help her with anger problems and nothing really changed. In hindsight, a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME. Our new GP recommended us to PBC and we are so happy we came. We started to see improvements within a few weeks and now 3 months later we are finished and things are great. Nobody is tip-toeing around the house! Her anger problems have completely gone, as also has her anxiety and sleeping problems AND her migraines have almost completely stopped too. MAGIC! I'm in next in to get my brain scanned - I can't wait! Thank you PBC team - you are all fantastic)

12 July 2020 13:09

Our 15 year old son sustained a concussion last year and within 6 months he had developed anxiety, depression, angry rages, sleep problems and severe problems with school (going from a A/B student to a D and below). Visits to a Neurologist were a waste of time (and money) but we did eventually get to see a Paediatrician who suggested (a little to our surprise) that we try The Perth Brain Centre (he had said that the scans can be helpful and that he had seen several patients that had seen good results). Well, after now 4 months of "brain-training" we can definitely say we have our "old son back" - Happy, sleeping well and doing well with his studies. We would highly recommend PBC to everyone. Thank you.

03 July 2020 16:38

Brain training has help me in more ways then l ever thought was possible.
I felt that l was on a merry go round with my emotions. I would get stuck and l didn't have the control to stop. After brain training l still have bad feeling from time to time, but now the different is l have control, and l can immediately stop myself falling in a pit of doom. That made such a different. Its seem before l felt l was at the mercy of my pass traumas. Other have noticed a different in me as well.
I must admit before starting my brain training l was very sceptical and thought it seem to good to be true.
But the results speak for themselves and l got my life back.
Thanks brain training team.

30 April 2020 14:30

BRILLIANT! Our 9 year old was diagnosed with learning difficulties 2 years ago. We thought we had done everything we could to help him until the new school psychologist recommended us to PBC. We were actually all quite excited to see his brain scan results which showed that a few areas on the left side of his brain were a bit under-active - At last a proper explanation! Daniel and the whole team were all simply fantastic and the results speak for themselves. Our son has jumped up reading levels and is now back in the main classroom with his friends. He's so happy and now loving school. We can't thank you enough.

17 April 2020 6:30

CHANGED MY HUSBAND'S LIFE! My husband had suffered with terrible depression and anxiety for most of his adult life and no amount of talking or countless different drugs made any difference to how he felt. About 6 months ago a close friend recommended PBC and we thought what have we to lose? My husband completed an intensive course of brain-stimulation treatment and has been doing occasional top-up sessions for the past 4 or 5 months and it has changed his life - He is happy for the first time in years, has started exercising, ignited old friendships, is sleeping well and our relationship at home is transformed. We are both so grateful, thank you. Jen.

11 April 2020 19:13

Thank you PBC. I have been dealing with anxiety and an eating disorder for years and found little or no relief from all the usual strategies and treatments. I discovered PBC just Googling one day and went along to one of the Information Sessions. Daniel explained things so clearly and it all made sense - to look at how the brain is working. I finished 2 rounds of neurofeedback training a while ago and I can say that I feel 90% better. I still get occasional moments of anxiety but I am on the whole feeling great and my eating problem (binge eating) has stopped completely - AMAZING) I feel fantastic and all my friends have seen the difference. My GP has been really impressed too. I would highly recommend PBC.

02 April 2020 2:38

My wife had been battling with anxiety and panic attacks for over 15 years before we found The Perth Brain Centre. Nothing had really helped her including probably hundreds of talking/counselling sessions and dozens of different types of medications. Her life was a misery. Now, almost 3 months after first starting treatment at The Perth Brain Centre she is feeling so much better we can't believe the difference and we can't believe it took us so long to find the right treatment. Thank you to all the wonderful and caring staff at The Perth Brain Centre - You all do an amazing job. I would highly recommend The Perth Brain Centre to anyone suffering with anxiety and panic problems.

06 March 2020 2:26

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND PERTH BRAIN CENTRE - Our 17 year old daughter was diagnosed with ADHD, Anxiety, Depression and Panic Disorder over 3 years ago and improved only marginally over time despite seeing a psychiatrist (lots of different drug trials) and 3 different psychologists. A colleague at work recommended PBC having seen great results for his daughter with similar problems and we came along first to a Information Evening (also highly recommended) last year. Now just over 4 months later after 3 courses of Neurofeedback Therapy and Biofeedback Training we have our beautiful happy daughter back. The difference is unimaginable. We cannot thank the whole team at PBC enough. Thank you.

26 February 2020 15:21

Our 9 year son has Autism and we have seen an almost 80% improvement in his emotional regulation over the past 4 months that we have been attending PBC. The impact of this has been huge - he can now participate with other therapies (speech/OT etc) when he could previously not, and is settled enough to have actually formed a few firm friendships for the first time. Life at home is MUCH more relaxed for all of us! Neurofeedback is not a "magic bullet" but with the expert and professional (and friendly) help from Daniel and the wonderful team, we have seen great results - Thank you.

23 February 2020 11:02

8 years of anxiety, crippling fear and almost daily panic attacks completely cured after just 7 weeks. I would recommend PBC to everyone with a mental health issue. Don't mess around going to other places (like I did) - These guys are the real deal and know what they're doing. THANK YOU)

02 February 2020 10:58

Coming from a very 'traditional' medical backgrounds my husband and I were really sceptical about bringing our daughter to Perth Brain Centre. Our 8 year old daughter had been struggling with attention and learning problems and had been diagnosed with ADHD and Auditory Processing Disorder. School was really tough for her and was getting harder despite excellent teachers. Both of us wanted to avoid medication if we could and a friend recommended us to Perth Brain Centre. We were impressed by the professionalism and warm welcome of all the staff and in particular with how Daniel explained the results of our daughter's scan. He was very open about how Neurofeedback didn't work for everybody all the time but that in many cases it did and that we would probably know within a month or so. We started to see improvements (small at first) after a couple of weeks (our daughter seemed to be more "switched on and was listening better) and the progress continued. Her grades started to lift at school after about a month and she seemed much happier in herself. Now after 3 months of training she is no longer in the remedial reading class at school and other parents are asking about what we have been doing! We both now openly recommend Perth Brain Centre to our friends. Thank you again.

25 January 2020 23:43

We have been BLOWN AWAY by the results we have seen with both our children - INCREDIBLE. Our son and daughter (10 and 8) have battled with learning for years and we must have spent a fortune on tutoring (which we must admit did help a bit - but SUCH a lot of hard work). On the recommendation of a recent tutor we took both to The Perth Brain Centre for scans and brain-training. The results have been amazing - both their grades in class have jumped over the past (just less than) 2 months and they are almost reading at the same level of their classmates. The teachers can't believe the difference and our children now enjoy school, feel good about themselves and want to read at bed-time - This NEVER happened before! Thank you PBC

19 January 2020 19:57

AMAZING! I had suffered with crippling social anxiety for over 8 years before coming to The Perth Brain Centre, wasting thousands of dollars on useless psychology appointments and dozens of different drugs and doctors appointments. A close friend whose daughter had got great results for anxiety recommended me to PBC and it was the best decision I have ever made. Everyone at the clinics, from Reception staff to the technicians and therapists doing the scans and treatment, and of course Daniel, were wonderful and clearly genuinely cared about me (which was very refreshing) and the whole process was so simple - I came in for an Initial Appointment and Scan and then met with Daniel about a week later. He clearly explained what was going on - that the part of my brain involved with interpreting what other people were thinking was over-active and he recommended a short trial of neurofeedback and biofeedback training. Within less than 2 weeks I could start to feel the difference, and now about 2 months later I can definitely say that I am cured! I have just had the first Christmas in years where I could go to the office party and have a great time - it was amazing. I just don't have that constant chatter in my head worrying about what I think other people are thinking. THANK YOU SO MUCH PBC)

16 January 2020 2:16

As a school psychologist I now recommend parents think about Neurofeedback Training at The Perth Brain Centre if their child has attention or behaviour issues and they do not want to medicate. I have seen 5 or 6 children this year that have attended the clinics, some (but not all) of whom have had a diagnosis of ADHD and Anxiety. Treatment programmes at the clinics are based upon QEEG Brain Scans that can help to identify any "weak" areas in the brain that may benefit from training and most people seem to see improvements within a few weeks. I have been impressed with the results that I have seen and also with the professionalism of all the staff at the clinics.

26 December 2019 11:14

Perth Brain Centre has turned my life around. I was diagnosed with depression over 10 years ago and nothing had helped - years of trialling different medications and years or talking to psychologists and counsellors, nothing worked. I had been recommended to PBC by my GP who told me that he had heard good things and that I had nothing to lose. I had a scan done which showed reduced activity in the front of my brain and Daniel explained that in many cases such as mine tDCS brain stimulation treatment often worked - He was right) I started to feel a little better after a week or so and I finished an intensive programme a few months ago and my life is transformed. I can definitely say that I no longer feel depressed and everyone around me can see that I am a very different person. The whole thing has been amazing and everyone at the clinics have been wonderful. Thank you Daniel and your amazing team! RL.

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