Anna Baylis - Life Coach

Address 6 Kensley St, Upper Ferntree Gully VIC, Australia
Phone +61 466 082 013
Website www.annabaylis.com.au
Categories Life Coach
Rating 5 31 review
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Anna Baylis - Life Coach reviews

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29 December 2023 6:53

I completed the M. O. V. E course in December of 2023 after reaching out to Anna earlier in the year. My concern finding a coach was making sure I found one that I clicked with. After our first chat, I just knew she was the right one.

Where I started before M. OV. E:
- Mental health struggles
- No love for self
- No compassion for self (self critic)
- Afraid to fail
- Easily giving my power away
- Beliefs of being a bad mum
- Not keen to ask for help (like to do things on my own, rather than "put others out")
- People pleaser
- No understanding how to set boundaries let alone hold them
- No goals and passion for anything
- Loss of myself after traumatic event and after kids
- I would suppress my emotions to not feel or show others "weakness"
- Fear of vulnerability
- Not strong enough
- Focused on the past or future

Its safe to say with that list I needed help, reaching out to Anna was the biggest blessing I could've asked for.

After M. O. V. E:
- Starting to love myself again
- To love waking up in the mornings
- To be unapologetically me
- Letting my walls down
- Understanding of boundaries and how to set them
- Define what I value and set goals that I'm excited to do
- PRESENT, such a big one I learnt!
- Learning about emotions, and allowing myself to feel.
- My communication and overall aura was different to my family/friends and especially my kids.
- Met some amazing M. O. V. E women which honestly shaped my journey. They were my rock without even knowing it.
The list could go on for ages.

Why Anna or why M. O. V. E?
- She speaks from the heart not through a tick and flick of a book.
- She relates, through her own experiences.
- She is kind, compassionate and truly cares. Everything you would want in a coach and in a friend.
- She has created a community of men/women that are vulnerable enough to tell their own story and empower each other.
- M. O. V. E will give you all the tools you need to make that change in your life that you want and deserve.

My only advice for anyone ready to sign up.be FULLY immersed in what the program has for you. I promise you, you won't regret it.

Thank you Anna, for everything. You have changed my life in so many ways. I have gained a life coach but also a life long friend.

01 December 2023 4:27

Earlier this year I completed Anna’s MOVE program and my life is in a completely different place. I went from being debilitated by Long COVID symptoms and completely disheartened about how I can accomplish everything I want out of life while being so restricted in my abilities. Not to mention how lost I felt about my career. Anna worked with me on long suppressed feelings from my childhood and even in that fist 1: 1 I felt a shift in how I saw my future. Anna helped me separate myself from the symptoms I was experiencing so I can eventually let them go and not internalise them making the chronic condition permanent. The ladies in the MOVE program were also a great source of support for life’s ups and downs. We all cheered each other on and shared tips on how to achieve our common goals. Finally to topics discussed in MOVE were a great summary of how to lead a healthy life - both physically and mentally. While I have come across most of those topics before in my own journey to healing, going over them in a structured and intensive way was a great way to ‘reset’ my life course. By the end of the program I had achieved some huge life milestones including getting engaged to the man of my dreams and us buying our first family home together. I advocated myself with my doctors until they found a plan forward to manage my symptoms. Which allowed me to have more energy and accomplish career - related goal. A huge thanks to Anna for helping me through a difficult time. I’ll always be grateful.

18 October 2023 2:18

Anna has been quite instrumental in supporting me to make the changes I needed to advance my personal goals amd maximise my potential. Anna is an empathetic and practical individual. I would highly recommend Anna to anyone who is seeking to find, complement or articluate supports through her coaching techniques.

13 October 2023 12:59

Highly recommend life coaching with Anna if you’re serious about making positive changes to your life to be the best version of yourself

04 September 2023 11:49

There are so many positive things I could say about Anna. She shows genuine care and interest and is one of the of the most authentic people I've ever met. Anna makes you feel comfortable to express yourself and your feelings which, as a male, can be difficult and something I had difficulty doing in the past with therapists and other health professionals.

I began individual coaching sessions with Anna in February 2023 as I was wanting more out of myself, my relationships and life in general. Despite me taking some time to open up and be vulnerable, Anna showed extreme patience during our sessions and always encouraged me that I was on the right path.

I came to Anna having been on anti-depressants for nearly 10 years and she suggested that they may have been a blocker for my emotions and she was right. I successfully weaned off them over a period of a few months and was able to start to feel my emotions again and work through some deep seeded beliefs and issues.

I was also fortunate to be a part of a men's only group which Anna ran over a period of 4 months. This program consisted of regular in person and zoom sessions with 6 other men where we were coached on feelings, relationships, values, mediation, fitness and nutrition and other important areas in our life.

As a result of attending both individual coaching sessions and the men's coaching program I am more in touch with my feelings, have a better relationship with my wife, am more comfortable in my own skin, more confident, aware of what I value most in life, have formed healthier habits and overall am happier with life.

Anna is a truly remarkable coach and always shows up for you and validates your feelings.

I feel very privileged to have found Anna and will definitely utilise her in the future for further coaching.

Thanks for an amazing experience.

17 July 2023 7:24

Anna has been a highly knowledgeable coach in my life journey and has made me reflect and understand better how I work as a person, and also make me want to be the best version of myself each day!

11 May 2023 3:51

Anna has a way of working with people that makes you feel instantly comfortable, seen and understood. Her approach to coaching is empathetic and non-judgmental, while (gently) calling you out on the patterns and behaviour that are holding you back from your fullest potential.
I participated in Anna’s last round of M. O. V. E, and saw positive changes in my life from the very first week. Anna helped me step into my true self, in a way years of therapy never has. She motivated me to put words into action, and is now a welcome voice in the back of my mind on a daily basis, pushing my to make choices based off my values, and to continue to learn more about myself.
Anna has been a catalyst for so much growth in myself, and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to work with her!

05 March 2023 22:41

Anna has a beautiful, down-to-Earth AND inspiring approach to her coaching. I have been working with Anna for the last couple of months and have experienced monumental shifts in my life. I was experiencing a very difficult time in my life when i started the M. O. V. E.program with Anna and now I feel lighter, calmer, more connected to my emotions and clearer in my decision-making. My relationships are more easeful and I am finding joy in places I never expected!
I have so much gratitude for Anna ️️

28 February 2023 13:06

I’ve been a client of Anna’s for several years - from PT to workshops and had the privilege of being a member of her first M. O. V. E cohort. I am incredibly grateful for the shifts that Anna has helped me achieve. Her knowledge, experience and most importantly her genuine and caring nature means she is well placed to support her clients and help facilitate healing, growth and greater wellbeing and self confidence. Thanks Anna!

09 February 2023 8:29

Anna is one unique life coach. I have had an incredible experience with Anna. She creates her sessions to suit your needs. Everything Anna guided me with, is unique. I have had many therapists, but none come close to how Anna conducts her sessions. She is very encouraging. There are no words to describe how amazing Anna truely is!

31 January 2023 7:59

Strange start to my happiest experience. I observed Anna’s car (with her business details on it) and it was like a weird light bulb got turned on in my head. I felt compelled to go to her even though id never heard of a life coach before.

I called her and made an appointment and committed myself to two sessions. Was I sceptical, confused about my compulsion and dubious about the effectiveness of this course of action? - definitely.

When I met Anna I found her be very intelligent, caring, inspiring with an uncanny ability to delve into my sub conscious. We conversed like we had known each other prior. She has a very easy going nature and is so easy to talk to.

Whilst talking to me she extracted information from my past (that I had blacked out and wasn’t aware of) that was grossly affecting my current day behaviour/thinking/persona and everything in between.

I’ve had multiple sessions with Anna now and I am clearly a far better person who is no longer affected by a lot of major crippling events in my past.

I am a completely different person now (a change for the better I should add), I now know what affected me, how it affected me and how to interpret any other behaviour of mine (what’s the behaviour, how I feel, causation, analysis and how to move forward).

To say Anna is my saviour is not an understatement. I recommend her services to everyone. She brought me from a troubled, mentally confused/affected individual who was not operating on all cylinders to a happy, pleasant man who is now a much better person and I love love love life in general. This result is good for me and those I interact with.

So I say to you, if you need a life coach (remember, I didn’t know I needed one) you must/should give Anna a call and make an appointment or you’ll be doing your self a disservice.

Alan Gosland.

15 May 2022 14:22

I would highly recommend Anna Baylis as a life coach. Her experience as an Olympic athlete, successful business owner, author and mother enables her to draw her expertise and skills from a vast array of life experiences. Her approach is kind gentle inclusive and passionate to create a difference in the lives of her many clients.

14 May 2022 2:06

I first met Anna for PT. Working together I always felt listened to, and pushed to keep growing. As a life coach, she is a nurturing presence who supports you to be kinder to yourself.

13 May 2022 9:31

The best thing I ever did was going to Anna. Anna makes you feel good about yourself and that you matter.

Thanks to Anna I have become stronger and flexible, learning to live life instead of just surging. Thank you Anna.

10 May 2022 6:51

I met Anna in 2020. We were both TCI students at that time. Anna offered to be my coach. I accepted. I was in distress over different troubles in my life. Anna used her wisdom, intuition, and life skills to coach me. She kept me on track and would gently draw me back to the subject at hand if I took off on what I call a rabbit trail during a coaching session. Anna has a vibrancy, a joy in life, and insight that helped get me through some very rough times. She helped me with goal setting, and patiently led me to to get me through
some murky waters in my life. She helped me to find an inner peace, and to start believing in my self.
Anna is gifted as a life coach and as a health coach. If you choose Anna as a coach you will not regret it.
Dana Kelly
California, U. S. A.

01 May 2022 15:15

There are not enough words on how much Anna & the MOVE journey has changed my life, my mindset, my health and my emotional well being. It’s not just the walks in Mother Nature, but, the teachings that Anna works through with us. To be able to understand and let go of past hurts and emotional pain. To be moving forward with new knowledge and understandings about myself and why l was “stuck”. To step into my power and to be able to forgive myself and others. I have learnt so much on this journey. To be free of second guessing myself has given me so much confidence. Anna is amazing in her teachings. Nothing was too hard for her to help me.
From the bottom of my heart l thank you Anna & to the beautiful sisters I’ve journeyed with. ️

20 April 2022 8:17

Anna is a kind and nuturing coach. Working with her has been transformative for me and I have really loved being a part of the M. O. V. E.community. Anna's caring, generous and fun spirit make it so easy and comfortable to work with her.

10 April 2022 12:45

Despite having had help from a psychologist and trauma counsellor and completing a counselling degree, I hadn't realised how much emotional pain I was still holding onto 40+ years later. Working with Anna allowed me to go back, without needing to talk about the actual events, and to determine whether I wanted to get rid of or change the events. Changing them was so freeing as was finding ways to forgive myself and others. I feel as if I have put down all my emotional baggage, ready to run freely through the fields of life.
She has an amazing presence that makes you feel safe, understood and empowered to make the changes to move on freely.

05 April 2022 6:45

I started with Anna as my PT and just loved the way she approached health and fitness. When i decided to try a mind body coach Anna was the obvious choice. Anna has been a fantastic coach. Very insightful and so easy to connect with. The guidance Anna has provided has been invaluable. I would recommend Anna to anyone wanting to take this journey. Thank you Anna!

25 March 2022 7:39

I found Anna whilst looking for a personal trainer. Like all of us the past 2 years haven't been great. I was over the past, therapy and dealing with trauma, anxiety, insomnia and court cases. Anna was amazing, we worked together not just for PT but life coaching, my health and fitness improved. My chakras unblocked, Anna taught me to empower myself. To be my best self, and it shines through my young Daughters also.
Anna and I still check in, can't recommend her highly enough!

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