Carey Baptist Grammar School

Address 349 Barkers Rd, Kew VIC, Australia
Phone +61 3 9816 1222
Website www.carey.com.au
Categories Co-ed School
Rating 3 25 reviews
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Carey Baptist Grammar School reviews

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15 November 2023 23:29

Great school if your daughter is white, blonde and sporty.
Racism is rife, students, staff alike.

10 November 2023 13:14

Politics and cults run rampant throughout the school with many students saying extremely explicit things that kids their age shouldn’t be talking about…

04 July 2023 13:33

I have been at this school for 3 years, in my experience with the school over time has been brilliant the education is wonderful i highly recommend this to anyone that really cares about their education and well being

30 June 2023 5:08

Misty destroyed my child.

She taught them many years back and they never recovered. A once loud and vivacious child, they are now timid and untrustworthy of others and struggled to make friends. This “teacher” oversaw a school yard social structure of students who had parents she liked. She was overly flippant with children and often took out her anger on students who struggled in class. My child reported her undermining senior teachers and leaders she didn’t like, mocking them and instructing students to do the opposite of what her colleagues requested. She turned a blind eye to bullying if perpetrators were part of her “group” of students she liked, again, the future heirs and heiresses of great wealth.

I’ve seen Misty (Elise) appear at parties in the social media of a woman who’s children went to another school she taught at, and so it is quite evident she prioritises children she sees as being socially expedient for her.

My child had a history of self harm which began during the time my child was in her care, and I regret that I ever trusted such a foul unprincipled person with my baby.

Bullying, favouritism, wealth, nepotism and poor quality teaching are what come to mind with experience.

28 June 2023 9:47

I spent so many hours crying in bathrooms and fearing for my safety in and out of school and I know many others who have felt the same. This school claims to care about bullying and acceptance but makes a weak attempt to do anything about it. In school suspensions (this means being free to roam the school without obligation to do classes) for LITERAL ASSULT but detentions for tardiness (maybe it would be easier to make it to school if I wasn't having a breakdown every morning.) Don't send your child here unless you want to pay for years of therapy xx

16 September 2022 5:18

They care more about my skirt and if my shirt is tucked, or if my tights have holes in them more than they do about my education, we cant wear our hair down but boys can come in from lunch with mud across their face along with shirts with the stitching ripped apart, and they give girls uniform detentions and re-education sessions.honestly so sexist shouldve stayed all boys.

11 September 2022 4:53

Teachers won’t let students sit inside the school building on a 9 degree winter day while they get to sit in a warm and heated place.this is completely unreasonable.

16 April 2022 14:11

Our daughter enjoyed her time at Carey engaging in school plays, music, excursions & helping interbational students. Carey provides a nurturing environment. We doubt our daughter would have achieved an ATAR of 99.90 without the assistance of the talented teaching staff at Carey.

30 September 2021 22:50

I go to the school next to carey and everyday they make such a big raquet
and the schools over populated

20 May 2021 21:01

Fabulous skool my son Reeket, and my daughter Reeketa, had a wonderful time here, they thoroughly, enjoyed the learning environment. It is a very pterodactyl friendly school, would highly recommend coming here. ALTHOUGH, i have heard of other bulling incidents with some other pterodactyls.

08 April 2021 7:14

Actually a pretty friendly school now, we got really nice senior head teachers and the house captains are caring too.
International students can find their groups as well.
And their IB program is among the best in Victoria.
Thus, recommend

28 September 2020 16:29

Great pastoral care, strong systems and processes for kids who struggle with the pressures of growing up in a modern, confusing world. Genuinely great teachers and a culture of providing a rounded education, not just a one-dimensional academic viewpoint. We moved our eldest from a single sex school in year 6 and it was the best decision we've made. Co-ed makes sense as life is co-ed!

20 September 2020 10:02

The students are perhaps the most horrible cohort of any school they bullied my son out of the school. He came home in tears most days occasionally with black eyes. Don't go here.

17 September 2020 8:12

Great school! Shame that one of the teachers tested positive to the virus now the whole school is shutdown!

12 September 2020 6:39

The students are perhaps the most horrible cohort of any school they bullied my son out of the school. He came home in tears most days occasionally with black eyes. Don't go here.

16 April 2020 4:46

Great pastoral care, strong systems and processes for kids who struggle with the pressures of growing up in a modern, confusing world. Genuinely great teachers and a culture of providing a rounded education, not just a one-dimensional academic viewpoint. We moved our eldest from a single sex school in year 6 and it was the best decision we've made. Co-ed makes sense as life is co-ed!

05 February 2020 20:10

This school was.not that good. The teacher wasn't that nice to me buy was really nice to another person in my class and there was one person who was mean to me.

30 November 2019 6:09

Generally a pretty good school although I get frustrated by the lack of communication that parents and students receive. They could also do a lot better at working with kids who have other outside of school commitments e.g. Sports training 8 times per week.
There are some really good teachers who care about their students and some who couldn’t give them a second thought.

04 July 2019 7:44

This school does not have an extreme focus on academic results, but instead focuses on developing the personality and positive traits to help you through life. However, students struggling or excelling will be challenged and helped and overall a pretty great school (:

09 April 2019 7:45

Ive been going here since prep, now in year 8.it has been an amazing journey, and ive learned so much!

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